CAS Guide

Why is CAS part of the Core

The International Baccalaureate Organization recognizes that, just as academic standards are important, so too is the development of healthy, internationally-minded global citizens, who understand the importance of engagement in creative expression, physical fitness and a commitment to helping others. CAS helps develop life-long habits that lead to the adoption of these values.

Projects must be:

  • Real and purposeful.

    A personal challenge.

  • Thoughtfully considered and involve planning, reflection & reporting.

    Focus on Learning outcomes (LOs and personal development.

Promotes Personal Development through esperiential learning that:

  • Is meaningful with significant measurable outcomes.

  • Creates personal challenges that are a stretch but are achievable in scope

  • Is reflective of Learning Outcomes, Personal goals and development.

  • Encorages explorations into creativity, physical fitness and service to others


All projects MUST have an adult supervisor who is not a family member. Asking a member of the OIS Staff to supervise a project that they are interested in, is a “safe” option. Outside supervisors are fine, but subject to the approval of your CAS Advisor.

Note: Your CAS Advisor cannot supervise all of your projects. As with any other staff member. If your Advisor is interested or engaged in the project and agrees to be your supervisor, that is fine.

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