Term 1
Meet with candidates individually or in small groups, for an informal “Check-in” within the first few weeks of year 13 to assure that they are getting back into CAS.
Note any concerns on Managebac.
- Remind the candidate to record reflection and evidence for CAS related activities during the summer.
- Confirm the plan for finishing CAS and when (s)he expects to complete the requirements.
- Monitor entries on Managebac and provide feedback on:
- Quantity and quality of projects.
- Quality and regularity of reflections, which should detail:
- What (s)he is gaining from the project.
- What was being done or happening at the time.
- What was done / how the situation was handled.
- What was LEARNED (think LO´s) from the situation and handling it.
- Make recommendations, as needed, to support focus and commitment.
Status for Term 1
At the half-term, the status flag will be reset. Please update it based on your review as:
- Excellent
- On Track
- Of Concern
Consider evidence that:
- Includes all required information in the project details.
- Demonstrates completion of the check-in interview.
- Demonstrates an adequate level of engagement. Three (3) to four (4) hours per week are recommended, but a minimum of two (2).
- Demonstrates consistent pattern of reflection focused on the LO`s identified.
If the requirements are not up to expectation, make a note on Managebac that indicates the reason:
- inadequate engagement
- inadequate reflection
- lack of other documentation, etc.
Notify the CAS Coordinator of any candidate who is not meeting the expectations for progress.
At the end of the term, the status report appears on the term reports, based on the status flag.
If the requirements were not up to expectation, make a note on Managebac and in Tutor comments that indicates the reason:
- inadequate engagement
- inadequate reflection
- lack of other documentation, etc.
and what can be done to address it.