English 8 Mother Tongues

  • Click on the link below that corresponds with your number.
  • Read the information about your topic and subtopics, if there are any.
  • Prepare written notes on paper to share what you have learned from the reading.
  • Present your information to the class.


  1. What is special about languages?
    1. How does your brain control language?
    2. What tone of voice?
  2. What is Broca´s area in the brain?
  3. What is Wernicke´s area in the brain?
  4. What is special about languages?
    1. How do you speak?
    2. How do you understand words?
  5. How do you learn to talk?
    1. How do you learn language?
    2. Can you speak another language?
  6. When did humans start talking?
    1. What is language?
    2. How did humans start talking?
  7. When did humans start talking?
    1. Can apes learn language?
    2. Who is Kanzi?
  8. Why be bilingual?