English Idioms

Need to learn some idiomatic expressions? Try these links

Self-Study Idiom Quizzes

1. Start with these quizzes. Try to guess the answer before you check it, to see how you did. Any you did not know, you should add to your notes on idioms.

    1. Eggs & Bunnies
    2. Body Parts
    3. Similes
    4. Animals

2. When you finish, choose 3 other quizzes to try. How did you do overall?

3. Now review these 40 Bizzarre / Funny Idioms. Make a list of the ones you find the most useful and / or funny.

Over the next 2 weeks, you will earn a house point everytime I hear you use one appropriately. This can be in or out of class.


1500 Idioms