Starting a Project

Before submitting a project idea, go through the CHECKLIST to be sure it is valid for CAS.

To submit a project for approval record it on Managebac. Be sure to:

  1. Name the project in a way that clearly identifies what you are doing. e.: If you are football team captain, don´t just label it “Football.”
  2. Indicate the start and end dates. This should INCLUDE preliminary planning and meetings.
  3. Identify whether it is Creativity, Activity and / or Service
  4. Identify which LO´s you think you will be able to address. For most projects, this should be limited to a maximum of four (4).
  5. Explain clearly:
    1. what will be done in the project.
    2. what will be accomplished or developed through the project.
    3. the personal learning goals you have for the project.
  1. Fill in the name AND email contact for the adult supervisor who is NOT a family member. Note: outside supervisors are subject to approval by the CAS Advisor / Coordinator.
  2. For outside supervisors, a supervisor agreement form completed by the candidate, signed by supervisor and candidate, and uploaded to the project evidence on Managebac.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A project may begin at any time, but until it is approved, CAS credit may not be granted for the work:

After all of the information is on Managebac, Ask your CAS Advisor to review it for approval.

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